*BR.Hair Hinder - Facts & Questions

Is Hair Hinder- a Liquid or Oil?

Hair Hinder is volatile liquid extract medicine like (after waxing lotion) with suspended - skin colored particles of herbs.

How long it has to be applied?

It has to be applied just for 5 days after waxing. 2 times each day once at bed time & other anytime during the day when you are going to wash it for at least 4 hours.

How to apply Hair Hinder?

After waxing or plucking or epilating-simply wash the area with dettol or savlon or antiseptic toilet soap & then after 10 minutes of drying. Shake well the dropper bottle of *BR. Hair Hinder. You can easily apply either by finger or hand palm or simply by the dropper bottle. It gives cooling effect on skin application (like after waxing lotion) for 3 to 5 seconds and it is done. No rashes, no pimples & simply at your comfort bed at home. Just a matter of 5 to 10 seconds & your wonder herbal medicine starts working on the hair roots & makes them dead.

Can it be applied anywhere on the body?

YES..It can be applied anywhere on the body skin (face, neck, arms, legs, abdomen, pubic area, chest, back anywhere - except inside nose or on the eyes.

Are there any Side Effects?

NO, It is completely safe, effective herbal liquid. Sometimes after waxing or plucking or epilating few people have Pimples or rashes BUT if they apply HairHinder lotion after waxing then there will be no pimples because it gives a good antiseptic effect. So, it is SAFE for ALL Body Parts. It is soothing and Easy to Use at home.

Can I apply HairHinder & go out of home?

Yes skin colored HairHinder can be applied during day as it is volatile liquid. It is skin coloured liquid & you go out of home with full confidence as it is not visible at all. Just make sure not to apply any cream or oil on the skin- for at least those 5 days of medicine application.

How long does it take to apply Hair Hinder?

HairHinder Herbal after-wax hair growth stopper lotion can be applied in maximum 5-10 seconds & that’s all. Nothing to worry - it will start & keep doing its hair stooping job - without even making you feel. Just make sure not to wash the area for at least 4 hours. Do not apply any cream or oil or moisturizer for those 5 days of after waxing on the skin . Just apply your own herbal hair growth stopper Hair Hinder twice daily.

When will HairHinder start showing results?

It will start showing results just after 1st session of 5 days because now you will not require waxing after same time as earlier & the number of hair will be lesser than before. So you easily apply Hair Hinder at home & gradually all the hair are gone effectively - without side effects or expert doctor’s costly sessions.

How will we know that it is showing results?

You can go for simply test on the legs. Get the both the legs waxed on the same day. Apply HairHinder after waxing hair stopper lotion - on the right leg only & not on left leg. Just check after 15 days and anybody can say that right leg has very less hair growth than the left leg. It is simple to apply- back at your comfort home. NO fussy long procedures of laser or No electrolysis or NO doctors’s appointments or NO creams or NO irritating Steroids or Anti-allergic pills to be used for allergies after odd therapies.


For *BR.HairHinder (End to Hair Growth) EASY DELIVERY in INDIA. (You will receive the SEALED Parcel in 5-7 working days)

Choose Packing of *BR.Hair Hinder Lotion for Application

120ml. (2400 Drops) Economy Pack Rs.2700/- only (Big 22.3% discount)

*BR.HairHinder Hormone Balancing Tablets

80 Tab.(1month) Rs.570/-

160 Tab.(2months)Rs.1000/-

240 Tab.(3months) Rs.1500/- (Big 14% Discount)

You will get the medicine along with the Prescription in your Name in next 3 to 5 working days.. SOMEONE SHOULD BE AT Your ADDRESS to RECEIVE *BR.HAIR HINDER PARCEL & GIVE THE CASH ON DELIVERY...

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*BR. HAIR HINDER (End to Hair Growth)...Rs.770/-

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